Albert Einstein’s brain at the American Museum

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who is widely recognized as one of the greatest scientists of all time. Born on March 14, 1878 in Ulm Württemberg, German Empire and died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, United States, at the age of 76.

An interesting fact about Albert Einstein is that even though he died, his brain is still there today. The brain is stored at Princeton University Medical Center, New Jersey United States. The brain has been cut into 240 blocks and stored in formalin.

In 1955 Princeton Hospital pathologist Thomas Told Harvey took Einstein’s brain without permission from his family. Harvey then distributed some of the brain blocks to a number of researchers in America and Canada. Harvey kept most of Einstein’s brain until 1998, when he finally returned it to Princeton University Medical Center.

Einstein’s brain has been the object of research for many years. Several studies have found that Einstein’s brain had a number of abnormalities and distinctive features that may be related to his intelligence. For example, Einstein’s brain had a larger than average number of cells and had more densified branches in his nerve cells.

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