Museums should have programs for children and parents

The person in charge of the National Gallery of Indonesia unit Jarot Mahendra said the museum should have a program for children and parents to help strengthen the bond (bonding) between children and their parents who feel distant because of the device.

“What should be the focus of the activity is how we strengthen the bonding, the bond between children and families,” he said in Jakarta, Tuesday.

This is important in creating a children’s program. “The museum has to go there,” he said.

This inspired Galeri Nasional Indonesia to create a temporary program called Ruang kegiatan Anak dan Keluarga. This space is divided into several parts, one of which is the sensory-motor space.

In this room, children can move around using the items available in the room.

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Once Upon a time, the manager brought the concept of ecology so that objects that children could meet were like dry leaves. These leaves can be made collages or serve as inspiration in children’s drawings.

“Because the concept is an exhibition about ecology. So we take the used leaves, the child can make a collage here, make a picture. Then we show off the results.

Here it provides several seats for children and their parents who can be together on the move.

The manager also provides space for children to write their comments or opinions, then stick them on the wall.

“There are quotes that they can write, message and paste anywhere. So it’s just like that, the child can be released, but with parental guidance. That’s why parents need to be there, ” he said.

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Then, the manager also provides facilities so that children can do activities with their parents such as board games. For example,” puzzle”,” scrabble ” or a house-house for a child to play with his family.

Jarot said it took about six months to prepare the activity space for children and parents, preceded by a relatively long research.

“It depends on the age of the child we want to target. If the research is long enough. Preparation for the exhibition was about six months, ” he said.

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